
This page is a DIY toolbox for charities. It will help non-technical leaders take control of their technology. I will add to it regularly. If you can’t find something please contact me and ask.

Useful links

  • The Privacy Commissioner offers free online privacy training modules.
  • Netsafe offers up to date advice on the latest online scams and dealing with issues such as cyber-bullying.
  • Cert NZ is the government's cyber security agency and "your first port of call when you need to report a cyber security problem". Their  "critical controls" give the most up-to-date advice on a the minimum security you need.
  • The NZ Navigator is an on-line self assessment tool to help you evaluate your organisational strengths and weaknesses. It is particularly useful if your receive government funding as it uses their model of "good practice".
  • InfoXchange is an Australian non-profit with online service, software and consultancy services you can usually get in NZ. They run Tech Soup New Zealand where registered NZ charities can get cheaper software, refurbished computers and technical training.
  • NTEN and Tech Impact are American non-profits helping charities with technology. They offer product reviews and on-line training.
  • has both an employment agreement builder and a policy builder tool that include all sorts of IT related issues.

Guidance Notes

These notes have been developed from client consultations and should help you start thinking about the non-technical management and governance issues arising from technology use. They are too generic to be considered formal advice for your specific circumstances.

  • IT Policies framework. Includes Privacy Act 2020 requirements